Kawana Heggins, a Kindergarten teacher at Dilworth/Sedgefield Elementary School, is paving the way for her young students by providing innovative ways for them to connect with reading right from the start.
“Her classroom is literacy rich. She encourages her students to read all of the time and chooses enriching literature to read to them,” explains colleague Teresa Taylor. “She is also a mother who insists her children read daily both fiction and nonfiction novels, plays and poetry. Her life is engulfed in daily literature for pleasure and knowledge-based learning. Mrs. Heggins is a true reading leader!”
According to those around her, Ms. Heggins efforts can be seen even when her kids move up in school. “Her students from previous years are more advanced moving into their next grade level. Because of her advocacy for literacy, more children will be on grade level and will gain a love of reading which in turn they will share with others.”